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✍ Each Mock/ Model Test contains 4 parts (Physics, Chemistry, Botany & Zoology) which are further divided into 2 sections.
✍ The Section I contains 35 questions in each of the 4 parts and the student has to attempt all 35 Questions.
✍ The Section II contains 15 Questions and the student has to attempt only 10.
✍ Thus there in no change in Total Marks and Marking scheme of +4 for correct and -1 for wrong answer.
✍ Another inclusion in this new edition is OMR sheet for each test.
✍ Further Quick Revision formulae are provided for Physics, Chemistry, Zoology & Botany.
✍ The book offers the BEST QUALITY Mock Tests with detailed solution to every question.
✍ Answer keys and 100% solutions are provided along with cut-off marks for each test.
✍ The book also provides Trend Analysis of last 10 years NEET Question Papers.