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• The Book captures the Pedagogy part of all the subjects in Paper 2 – Child Development, Social Science, English & Hindi Languages.
• The unique idea of the book is the presentation of the extract of the past CTET & STET Papers in the form of One Liner Statements arranged Chapter-wise.
• The book is arranged Subject-wise & Chapter-wise covering:
1. Child Development – 18 Chapters; 1650 One Liners
2. Social Science – 8 Chapters; 1200 One Liners
4. English Language – 7 Chapters & 600 One Liners
5. Hindi Language – 9 Chapters & 600 One Liners
• In all the book contains around 4100 One Liners from 35 CTET & 20 STET Papers.
• The past CTET papers covered are 21 sets of CTET 2021 – 22 along with 14 more papers from 2011 – 2021. Thus 35 Papers in all.
• The book further covers 20 past STET papers including UPTET, REET, UTET, MPTET, HTET, BTET, WBTET, APTET, Karnataka TET, TNTET
• This book will not only help in quick revision and practice but will also define the syllabus and range of questions that can be asked in the pedagogy part of the various subjects in these exams.
• In nutshell this is a must-have book for all CTET, STET and other Teaching based Examinations where the focus is on pedagogy.