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✍ The book contains the decades of experience of Civil Services with the expertise of the author. It prepares you to write best ANSWERS and ESSAYS in the IAS/ PCS Mains examination.
✍ The book is the Bilingual version of the Bestseller English Edition.
✍ The book explains the purpose of the Essay paper and elucidates the methodologies to write essays on any topic.
✍ It explains the structure of an Essay for six types of Essays with a special chapter dedicated exclusively for Philosophical topics.
✍ It expounds the techniques of Brainstorming and Mind-Mapping to prepare the readers for spontaneous Essay Writing on any Topic.
✍ The best practices of Essay Writing explained in the book helps you fetch additional marks in examination.
✍ The book investigates the common mistakes and provides their step-by-step resolution.
✍ In addition, the books provide dozens of Model Essays to learn and practice.
✍ It provides a large number of Quotations, Anecdotes, Stories, Poems and Studies that can make your essay stand apart.
✍ Strategy to write Best Answers for General Studies Papers 1 to 4 is covered exclusively in separate Chapters.
✍ The book provides a lot of Tips, Ideas & Suggestions to achieve that perfectness required for a BEST Answer.