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# The content has been updated as per the changes in the international geo-politics.
# Each chapter has SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) Analysis.
# Each Chapter has Bilateral Maps, for better understanding, useful for prelims as well as mains. # Inclusion of more than 100 diagrams and relevant flowcharts for a holistic understanding of geopolitical issues.
# After every chapter previous year questions have been given.
# Probable and expected questions for Mains and for Prelims from the topic are highlighted in each chapter.
# Most of the previous year Mains questions can be answered after studying this book.
# Special chapters on Covid Maitri and Vaccine Diplomacy of India have been included.
# Critical Analysis of India’s foreign relations strictly in accordance with the dynamic nature of UPSC exams.
# Special chapters on Climate change, Diaspora and Foreign Policy challenges.