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✍ To give you an edge over other students, much researched short-cut Tricks and Methods are introduced in this book in the section named EXAM APPROACH.
✍ You are also advised to look at the solutions of the problems, as alternate solutions are provided in many questions so that you can compare how much time you will save if you use short-cut Techniques.
✍ In Exams, understanding concepts and knowing short-cut Tricks play an equal role. I suggest you to First understand the concept and then learn all the Tricks in Exam Approach section
✍ The book comprises of 25 chapters. Each chapter consists of Theory with Illustrations followed by Exercise in 2 levels with Solutions.
✍ Level 1 Exercise – Here the focus is to expose the students to solve problems based on the concepts they have learned in theory part. The student develops a good foundation and is ready for the next level.
✍ Level 2 Exercise – The second level is a collection of slightly higher level of difficult problems. The problems provide a good platform to develop a very good problem solving aptitude and speed.
✍ The book provides an Exam or Question-Type Mapping, which shows the various chapters important for the different SSC, Bank, Railways, Defence exams.
✍ The book contains questions from the various past competitive entrance exams held across the years.