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✏️ The books are designed as per the New NCERT Syllabus and questions pertaining to the deleted Topics/ Chapters have been removed from the book.
✏️ The books contain a total of 164 papers – 146 JEE Main papers held ONLINE from 2012-2023 and 18 papers of JEE Main/ AIEEE from the year 2002 – 2018 held OFFLINE including the AIEEE 2011 Rescheduled paper.
✏️ The books include all the 20 papers held in 2024 – 10 of Session I (held in January & February 2024) & 10 papers of Session II (held in April 2023).
✏️ The 164 papers are distributed into 30/ 22/ 24 Chapters in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics respectively following the chapter sequence of the NCERT books of class 11 and 12 (Year 2022 – 24 NCERT).
✏️ The questions in each Chapter are further divided into 2-4 topics. The Questions are immediately followed by their detailed solutions.
✏️ Each of the books constitute of 4340 MCQs & 1030 Numeric Value Questions (NVQs) with Solutions.
✏️ Some same or similar (data change) questions have been marked in the book and have been provided once so as to avoid repetitiveness.