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✍ The structure and content of the book have been carefully designed to serve the triple purposes of Self-study, Revision, and Expert Guidance to aspirants.
✍ The book is a comprehensive Text-Guide with exhaustive discussion on the complete syllabus divided into 14 Chapters.
✍ The theory is enriched with Previous Years’ Mains Questions, Practice MCQs and Mains Questions and Answers.
✍ Each chapter begins with Topic Snapshot to introduce the topics covered, develop curiosity and capture student’s interest.
✍ The book includes Infographics, Mind Maps, Flowcharts and Maps at relevant places which helps learn and retain bulk of information useful in Prelims as well as answer writing in Mains.
✍ In terms of the content, the book is prepared with a 360 degree approach and all the relevant topics and subtopics as per UPSC CSE syllabus with useful overlap that is helpful for GS-1 (Geography) and GS-3 (Environment) is provided.
✍ Further, this is a Text-Guide in the sense that it combines the theoretical knowledge of a textbook with the practical, strategic aspects of a Guide aiming to solve all content and guidance-related problems of a student at once.
✍ The book is powered with a section called ‘Expert’s Advice’ where the author directly addresses, guides and instructs the student using his expert knowledge. This will help student understand which sections are most important, what can be asked in future, and what should not be skipped strictly from exam point-of-view.