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✍ The book contains Comprehensive Sections on :
• Mathematical Skills
• English Language
• Data Analysis & Sufficiency
• Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
• Indian and Global Environment
✍ The book provides detailed theory along with exhaustive question bank in the form of exercise at the end of each chapter. The solutions have been provided to each and every question.
✍ The book covers previous year questions in the exercises which have been updated with latest questions up to 2022.
✍ The Indian and Global Environment has been thoroughly revised and updated with latest current affairs inluding business questions as well. The exercises has also been updated with latest questions.
✍ The book contains a lot of past MAT questions asked in the previous years.
# To summarize, the book is aimed to serve as one stop solution for all major MBA Entrance Exams – CMAT, NMAT, SNAP, MH-CET, IRMA, ATMA, ICET, etc.